Mount Airy, Surry County, NC Dentist Blue Ridge Dental 933 Rockford Street, Suite 7 Mount Airy, NC 27030 Dentist in Mount Airy, NC (336) 789-5306

Root Canals Can Save Teeth

Discover the purpose behind root canal treatments and why they are necessary.

Have our Mount Airy, NC, dentists Drs. Lynette and Bennett Smith told you that you need root canal treatment? We know that finding out Root Canal Tooththat you need any kind of dental work can be a little stressful, especially if you don’t know what to expect. Our goal at Blue Ridge Dental is to keep you informed about any dental procedures you need to undergo, so that you are never left in the dark. Find out more about root canals and how they could end up saving your damaged teeth.

Why do I need a root canal?

In order to understand how a root canal works, it’s first important to understand the anatomy of a tooth. Inside the hard outer layers of the tooth lies a structure, known as the dental pulp. This soft tissue is made up of nerves and blood vessels, and it's instrumental in the development of the tooth. However, when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected, then our Mount Airy, NC, general dentists will recommend root canal treatment.

How does dental pulp become inflamed or infected?

Whenever bacteria get inside the tooth, it can infect the dental pulp. This often occurs if you are dealing with,

  • Deep decay
  • A cracked or fractured tooth
  • A traumatic injury to the tooth

Sometimes, if a tooth has had to undergo several dental procedures, it can also weaken the tooth and affect the health of the dental pulp. When this happens, the only way to treat the problem is to remove the pulp. If left untreated, the bacteria can spread to neighboring teeth, as well as, the jawbone and cause a widespread, serious infection, resulting in tooth and bone loss.

What should I expect from a root canal?

A root canal can be performed in just a single visit. Dr. Smith will first numb the area with a local anesthesia. From there, we will go inside the tooth to extract the pulp and to clean out any bacteria trapped inside the tooth.

Once the tooth has been thoroughly disinfected, we will fill the tooth with a special material to support and preserve the structure. The root canals will also be sealed up to prevent bacteria from entering. Since any tooth that has been damaged by decay, infection, or trauma is now weaker, it’s important that we place a permanent dental crown over the tooth to protect it from further damage and to restore it. Since crowns are custom-made, you will need to come back into our office one more time after your root canal, so that we can place the crown.

Here at Blue Ridge Dental, your oral health is our top priority. No matter whether you’re dealing with a toothache or you just need to schedule your next dental checkup, our Mount Airy, NC, dental team has you covered! Call (336) 789-5306 today!